Carnegie Mellon University

Eberly Center

Teaching Excellence & Educational Innovation

Assessing the Subjective: Effective Strategies for Measuring the Immeasurable

Lindblom, K.

Students in the Mindful Living course are required to demonstrate critical thought, reflection and analysis of their lived experience in meditation and somatic (the mind’s perception of the body) practices. Yet, how does one measure outcomes of their valid-- yet subjective-- experiences in these practices while maintaining transparent, demonstrable, and reliable expectations? Effective approaches include journal reflections to assess fluency of directed principles, rubrics based on process rather than outcome, as well as discussions and debates to determine levels of cognition regarding the topic. Students are informed of expectations in advance and the tone of the class recognizes the value of multiple “right” answers. When it comes to the subjective topic, the value is in how the student’s think rather than what they think. Participants at the summit will receive samples of a journal rubric that is aligned with these course objectives.

Kristie Lindblom, Office of Student Affairs Other